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Best Disc Golf Starter Set in 2023 – Guide and Reviews

Learn more about how to choose the Best Disc Golf starter Set in our buying guide and reviews below.

best disc golf starter set

The starter disc golf sets we are going to look at below will not only allow you to get out in the fresh air(something we are all craving for lately), but it will also help you stay fit and have fun along the way too.

Unlike ordinary golf, this game doesn’t really require you to wear funny looking pants and spend a lot of money every time you get to the field. In addition, it is entertaining for both adults and children and is a wonderful family gathering and bonding activity.

Disc Golf Starter sets comparison for 2021: Our picks


1. Dynamic Discs Prime Burst Disc Golf Starter Set


Seasoned veterans will appreciate the Dynamic Discs Prime Burst disc golf set, which offers long and medium options that suit all courses and wind conditions. The discs of the New Games are made of soft plastic, which makes them flexible enough to adapt to conditions, but rigid enough to fly in a straight line. It’s a basic set, but it gets the job done. The weight of the discs is ideal to achieve this ideal balance of power, speed and accuracy and most importantly, have fun.

2 Set of Disc Golf New Games – Frisbeesport

best disc golf starter set

The New Games – Frisbeesport is well suited for beginner to intermediate level players, so it can be used for a quiet game between you and your family or for a slightly more competitive match. Each package includes 3 discs that will allow you to try new playback styles.

3. Set of Disc Golf Eurodisc


The Eurodisc is perfect for beginners. It comes with three high-quality discs that will ensure hours of fun for you and your friends, even if you constantly find yourself throwing them into the walls and sidewalk.

4 Set of Disc Golf Express Fun Ltd

fing the best disc golf starter set in 2021

The Express Fun Ltd comes from the original flying toy manufacturers and brings the game inside. You can take it to an office party or continue playing in the living room, on a rainy day. Even better, smaller than average rooms are perfect for young children.

What should I look for in a Disc Golf set ?

Not all disc golf sets are created equal. In fact, more often than not, it is difficult to determine what is missing from a disc until you have brought it home. If you want to complete your due diligence before this point, the discs themselves may be the best place to start.

How to choose the best Disc Golf Set

In terms of Disc Golf set, there are three basic disc types – a putter, a midrange and a driver. Just like golf, a putter is designed for short-range throws or lobs, a putter is designed to go from the fairway to the green, and a driver is designed to get maximum flight when a player is starting.

Each Disc Golf set should include at least one putter, one driver and one medium (if not two or three of each). You’ll also want the discs to be brightly colored for visibility, and to be clearly marked so you can know which is which.

If you don’t really feel like going out (but you should, really), then at least have a few sessions with a doorway pull up bar at home. That’s still a good option for a healthy exercise if you don’t have other alternatives.

Beyond that, you’ll want to check if a disc golf set comes with its own custom bag. A decent shoulder bag is a huge plus if you’re playing a full round of golf. Some disc sets feature a matching bag with additional compartments to store drinks, snacks, accessories, and gloves. Some sets also come with their own scorecards, which is a nice advantage, even if it’s not a necessity. You can buy a block of score cards separately for less than 5 euro. Either that or you can print as many PDF scorecards as you want online.

Disc Golf 101: Several tips and basic exercises

Believe it or not, the easiest way to sharpen or maintain your disc golf skills may be to go to the park and do half an hour of fishing with a friend. This will improve your throwing style, disc control and accuracy. If you have a disc golf course nearby, you can practice putting from each basket at a distance of 5 to 10 feet. Either that, or you can practice mid-range shots moving 15 to 20 feet away from the green.

Good putting is a combination of looseness and control. Just like a golf putt, you want to focus on releasing the disc smoothly. The purpose is not to overtake or risk the disc being deflected. Your position is just as important. Most players drop the disc while remaining balanced on one leg. Just like a baseball pitcher, it is the result of liquidation.

By walking forward with the same leg as your throwing hand, you can create more space for excessive range of motion in the center of your body. The closer you get to the basket, the less power you want to put behind each putt. As you get closer to a few feet, you almost want to lift the disc instead of spinning it.

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You want the disc to fall in the air instead of falling smoothly.

If you have difficulty balancing on one foot every time you release a disc, it may be helpful to train by standing on one leg for 30 seconds or more. Doing this 4-6 times with a slight break in between will strengthen your leg strength and coordination. Abs and abs are an additional way to build muscle and strength throughout your body.

If you live near an open field, you can consider “driving” a series of disks for distance. The longer and more accurate your readers are, the easier it will be to get a lower score.

Take a look at some brief history of the Disc Golf game below.

Disc Golf History and Overview

The first disc golf game took place in Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1926. Since the “disc” had barely been invented, and the Frisbee was still ten years away from its introduction, this inaugural game was played using a stack of disposable tin plates. All targets were metal bins ; the heading was fixed inside the woods. For five years, the same group of friends continued to play this game day by day. Shortly after the boys moved to different colleges, the local buzz around their game began to fade.

A similar version of this game emerged three decades later in Houston, Texas. This Americanized version became an instant hit, thanks in large part to the massive appeal of the Frisbee. By 1965, there were several “frisbee golf” leagues on college campuses across America. The name of the game had to be changed, however, after the Frisbee company began enforcing its trademark in 1969. In 1976, the American Disc Golf Association (DGA) was formed.

The DGA was instrumental in the infrastructure, funding and sponsorship of competitions and tours between 1980 and the modern era. Today, there are more than 5,000 disc golf courses in 40 countries around the world. Disc golf is still widely regarded as an American hobby, with the majority of critics considering it a game much more than a sport.

So, there you go, now you can go on and pick your favorite disc golf starter set that best suits your needs and budget. Hopefully our guide was helpful and will guide you in your disc gold buying decision.

Do you have any tips or questions about playing the disc golf game? Let us know in the comments below.

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